Shad Young Agard Bio


Shad was born May 8,2000 in Bismarck ND to AJ and Robbie Agard of Porcupine ND. Shad has one younger brother Shang Kaimana Agard. Shang was born February 21, 2003.
At a young age shad had a lot of talents.
Singing, Dancing, Archery, Karate, Wrestling, Boxing, Cross-country running, Basketball, Baseball, Bull riding, Horseback riding & Breaking horses.
Singing Lakota songs and being a champion grass dancer.
He started riding horse at the age of 3. He started his rodeo Career at the age of 3 with sheep riding and later started riding steers, now is riding bull.
Shad started wrestling at the age of 5 and is now a 7 time North Dakota State Champion for his weight.
At the age of 11 he has Qualified for the USA Jr Olympics boxing for North Dakota.
The past 2 years he has Qualified for USA National Jr Olympics for Cross Country. Last year Nationals was held in Albuquerque NM, this year December 14, 2013 he will be going to San Antonio TX.
Shad loves horse races, he's won a lot of races on his horse named Amish.
Shad is the keeper of the Big Foot staff for the people of Standing Rock Souix Tribe. This is a great Responsibility for most men but shad has Taken this on at the age of 9 years old. He started the Big Foot ride at age 3 and has been going every year. He is now 13 years old and loves his way of life.
Overall Shad is a Great athlete and very competitive. Win or lose he always has a smile. He has great respect for the people and most of all himself.
No matter how cold or how hot it is outside Shad spends a lot of time with his horses.